Friday, September 30, 2011

Week 3: Specifying Further Upon Preliminary Effort

26 - 30 Sept 2011

Further refined the working title;
Communication in IT Development Outsourcing Projects: Developing an Effective Communication Model

Sent in another draft upon the problem statement, aim, objectives & significance of project.

Problem Statement:
The involvement of myriad members of project team in web development outsourcing projects face difficulties in communicating between them and in some way escalating the negative synergy of the team.

To show that with the existence of an effective communication within the project team, the coactions between them could be enhanced and indirectly diminish the odds for a project to face failure.

1. To identify and analyze the current barriers for an effective communication to occur within the project team.
2. To discuss the elements needed for an effective communication to take place.
3. To illustrate a model for effective communication.

Significance of Project:
1.  Academicians
a.  Lecturers - This project provides a sample resource to lecturers to apply if they are ever to work in a team for a particular project regarding to Information Technology field.

b. Students - This project can be used by the students as their reference to apply in the Information System Development (ISD) to support their flow of project development.

2. Practitioners
This project is valuable to the Information System Engineering practitioner in a way they could apply and adopt the project findings to support their team synergy and lessen the project failure possibility.

Did some writing upon research background.

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